About your business.
Provedora en la cuidad de providence RI experiencia por 24 anos hablo os dos idiomas mi programa acepta laz ayuda CCAP y privados brindamos tres comidas saludables desarrollamos curriculos a la neccesidad de los ninos por su edades
I am a mother of two preschoolers. I began working in a home child care setting in 2011. I became a DHS licensed provider in 2017. I had gained my Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education in 2017. I have my CDA certificate. I use the Rhode Island Early Learning Development Standards in my program.
I have been a Family home child care provider since 2011. Before then, I had raised my two children and helped care for my two neices and two nephews. I go through many trainings and courses throughout the year every year and have uptained my CDA certificate. I incorporate the Rhode Island Early Learning Development Standards into my day to day program.
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